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Friday, May 9, 2014

I Am... Back


After years of being on hibernation mode, I finally gathered my courage and commitment to go back to tarot reading.  I am not accepting any clients for now but I am continuously working on my skill.  Joining different groups and online communities.  It is so much different when I started almost 6 years ago where everything seems limited.

What am I trying to achieve in putting up this blog? Maybe I wanted to interact more with people. Who know's I might start my bi-monthly podcast where I give a free one card reading. Or share my experiences with tarot reading... or maybe share my knowledge for those who feel that they have the skills as well.

I don't aim to create a name for myself... but if ever that would happen in the future... then I would be thankful for that. For now, I am just open for any possibilities that wherever my endeavor would lead me into.

After all, it's my passion that made me decide to create this site.

Blessed be.

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