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Wednesday, April 15, 2015


For me, learning is an infinite thing... it never ends. As long as we are eager to learn and to develop our skills, i think there is nothing wrong with that. Just like Tarot Reading.  Every new deck is an opportunity for me to learn new things. It's because each artist has their own take on the decks that they have created (of course, I will not take so much time on that aspect).

 I never stopped learning new ways to interpret the cards and even experimenting with my own spread just to see where I am comfortable at. At the same time, I was able to discover a system that eventually works for me. putting up this bog is one way for me to take into account my recent progress in this journey. I have been doing tarot reading since 2008 but I always felt that I need to continue this journey. Tarot is not a way for me to earn money or anything else, it is a journey to strengthen my values and keep me grounded as well. Why infinity? Because learning never ends. As long as I hunger for knowledge, this will never end.

Blessed be.
  Francis V signature

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